dr. Andrej Fatur, LL.M., LL.M


2010 King’s College London, doktorski (Ph.d.) program s področja konkurenčnega prava (Združeno Kraljestvo) (Fulbright in Chevening štipendist)

2004 International Trade and Business Law Fordham University, magistrski program s področja konkurenčnega prava, (Združene države Amerike) (»cum laude«, nagrada Robert Schumman, asistent Prof. Valentine Korah)

2000 Univerza v Ljubljani, Pravna fakulteta, magistrski študij prava (Slovenija)

1998 Pravniški državni izpit

1997 Univerza v Ljubljani, Pravna fakulteta, univerzitetni študij prava (Slovenija)

1997 Gostujoči raziskovalec (TEMPUS-JEP program), Universiteit van Amsterdam (Nizozemska)


2019 – danes | Partner pri Odvetniški družbi Fatur Menard, o.p., d.o.o. 

2010 – 2018 | Partner pri Odvetniški družbi Fatur, o.p., d.o.o.

2009 | Pravni svetovalec pri Banki Slovenije 

2005 – 2009 | Pravni svetovalec pri Neos Business Consulting Ltd., London 

2007 – 2009 | Predavatelj na University College London, School of Law, London 

2005 – 2005 | Stagier – pravni svetovalec v Kabinetu sodnika Anthonya Borg Bartheta, Sodišče Evropske unije, Luksemburg 

1998 – 2005 | Odvetniški kandidat, odvetnica Mojca Lukančič 

1998 | Pravni svetovalec pri družbi Hidria d.d.

1997 – 1998 | Sodniški pripravnik na Višjem sodišču v Ljubljani 


Odvetniška zbornica Slovenije

New York State Bar Association

2019 – danes | Član Upravnega odbora Združenja nadzornikov Slovenije 

2019 – danes | Član Strokovnega sveta Združenja nadzornikov Slovenije 

2016 – danes | Predsednik nadzornega sveta NKBM d.d. 

2012 – 2016 | Član nadzornega sveta NKBM d.d. 



Fatur, A., Podobnik, K. in Vlahek, A., 2016. Competition Law in Slovenia. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International BV (knjiga je bila prvotno objavljena kot monografija v International encyclopaedia of laws/Competition Law)

Fatur, A., 2012. EU competition law and the information and communication technology network industries: economic versus legal concepts in pursuit of (consumer) welfare. Oxford; Portland (Oregon): Hart

Poglavja v knjigah:

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2019.  Slovenia. V: Dolmans, M. in Mostyn, H. ur. The Dominance and Monopolies Review, Seventh Edition. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A. in Makarovič, B., 2018. Chapter 19 Telecommunications. V: Korah, V. ur. Competition Law of the European Union, Second Edition. USA: LexisNexis / Matthew Bender Elite Products (redne posodobitve knjige od leta 2009 dalje)

Fatur, A. in Podobnik, K., 2018. Slovenia/Commentary: SI/C. V: Competition law in Western Europe and the USA (suppl. 407), Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International (redne posodobitve knjige od leta 2011 dalje: suppl. 318 v letu 2011, suppl. 343 v letu 2013, suppl. 363 v letu 2014)

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2018.  Slovenia. V: Buretta, J. in Terzaken, J. ur. The Cartels & Leniency Review, Sixth Edition. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2018.  Slovenia. V: Dolmans, M. in Mostyn, H. ur. The Dominance and Monopolies Review, Sixth Edition. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2017.  Slovenia. V: Varney, C. in Terzaken, J. ur. The Cartels & Leniency Review, Fifth Edition. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2017.  Slovenia. V: Dolmans, M. in Mostyn, H. ur. The Dominance and Monopolies Review, Fifth Edition. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2016.  Slovenia. V: Varney, C. ur. The Cartels & Leniency Review, Fourth Edition. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2016.  Slovenia. V: Dolmans, M. in Mostyn, H. ur. The Dominance and Monopolies Review, Fourth Edition. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2015.  Slovenia. V: Varney, C. ur. The Cartels & Leniency Review, Third Edition. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2015.  Slovenia. V: Dolmans, M. ur. The Dominance and Monopolies Review, Third Edition. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2014.  Slovenia. V: Varney, C. ur. The Cartels & Leniency Review, Second Edition. London, Law Business Research

Članki v tujih pravnih revijah (Global Competition Review, Getting the Deal Through, e-Competitions):

Fatur, A., 2018. The Slovenian Administrative Court confirms a substantial part of a decision in a case related to abuse of dominant position (Telekom Slovenije). e-Competitions Bulletin, August 2018, Art. N° 87148

Fatur, A., 2017. The Slovenian Competition Protection Agency accepts commitments by the incumbent gas importer and supplier addressing concerns relating to long-term contracts on natural gas supply with industrial customers (Geoplin). e-Competitions Bulletin, November 2017, Art. N° 87146

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2017. Slovenia, Law and Practice. V: Cartels, Chambers Global Practise Guides 2018. London, Chambers & Partners Publishing

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2017. Slovenia. V: Getting the Deal Through, Dominance 2017. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2017. Slovenia: Overview. V: Global Competition Review, The European, Middle Eastern and African Antitrust Review 2018. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2016. Slovenia: Overview. V: Global Competition Review, The European, Middle Eastern and African Antitrust Review 2017. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A., 2016. The Appeal Court of Ljubljana annuls a decision in relation to minor offence proceedings against a collecting society (SAZAS). e-Competitions Bulletin, December 2016, Art. N° 84268

Fatur, A., 2016. The Slovenian Competition Protection Agency accepts commitments from a distributor and 20 authorised service shops of motor vehicles over misleading information for consumers regarding the warranty of the vehicles (Hyundai). e-Competitions Bulletin Selective distribution, Art. N° 86442

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2015. Slovenia. V: Getting the Deal Through, Dominance 2016. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2015. Slovenia: Overview. V: Global Competition Review, The European Antitrust Review 2016. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2014. Slovenia. V: Getting the Deal Through, Dominance 2015. London, Law Business Research

Fatur, A., 2014. The Slovenian Supreme Court uphold the decision of the Competition Authority finding that a company abused its dominance on the market for collective management of copyrights (SAZAS). e-Competitions Bulletin January 2014, Art. N° 83573

Fatur, A., 2013. The Slovenian Supreme Court upholds the Competition Authority’s prohibition decision finding an abuse of dominant position (Pro Plus). e-Competitions Bulletin December 2013, Art. N° 71303

Fatur, A., 2013. The Slovenian Supreme Court annuls the Competition Authority’s infringement decision against telecom company for abuse of dominance in the market for the provision of mobile telecommunications services to end customers (Itak Džabest). e-Competitions Bulletin November 2013, Art. N° 63570

Fatur, A., 2008. The new Slovenian Competition Act: Wider competences of the Competition Authority combined with higher fines on the road to better effectiveness (11 April 2008 Act). e-Competitions Bulletin April 2008, Art. N° 17677

Fatur, A., 2008. The Slovenian Competition Authority finds incumbent telecommunications operator was abusing its dominant position in the inter-operators market for provision of ADSL broadband access in Slovenia (Slovenije Telekom / ISDN, ADSL). e-Competitions Bulletin March 2008, Art. N° 22381

Fatur, A., 2007. The Slovenian Competition Authority finds, after full judicial review overturning its original decision, local public utility company did not abuse its dominant position in the local market for cemetery and funeral services (JKP Log). e-Competitions Bulletin July 2007, Art. N° 23836

Fatur, A., 2007. The Slovenian Competition Authority declares null and void decisions of four major banks introducing a new ATM fee (Nova Ljubljanska banka / Banka Celje / Nova KBM / Abaka Vipa). e-Competitions Bulletin February 2007, Art. N° 14069

Fatur, A., 2006. The Slovenian Competition Authority, acting for the first time under art. 82 EC, fines 130 000 EUR an abuse of dominant position in the packaging waste processing market (Slopak). e-Competitions Bulletin December 2006, Art. N° 13627

Fatur, A., 2006. The Slovenian Competition Authority declares null and void a decision of a bank association since it restricts competition on market for purchases payable by credit installments at the point of sale (Bank Association of Slovenia). e-Competitions Bulletin November 2006, Art. N° 13975

Fatur, A., 2006. The Slovenian Competition Authority clears a controversial merger between outdoor billboard space service providers (Europlakat/Metropolis Media). e-Competitions Bulletin October 2006, Art. N° 12626

Fatur, A., 2006. The Slovenian Competition Authority acts for the first time in its capacity of sanctioning body while holding that provisions of a professional association restrict competition on the regulated book market (Piano). e-Competitions Bulletin February 2006, Art. N° 12137

Fatur, A., 2006. The Slovenian Competition Authority declares null and void certain decisions of association of natural health spas decided together with the State having found them anticompetitive (ASNHS). e-Competitions Bulletin January 2006, Art. N° 12393

Fatur, A., 2005. The Slovenian Competition Authority rejects an abuse of dominant position claim by a mobile phone operator against the incumbent after a full-blown economic analysis (Mobitel / Western Wireless). e-Competitions Bulletin December 2005, Art. N° 403

Fatur,A, 2004. What challenges do the Central European and Mediterranean States face in trying to join the Third Stage of EMU?. Fordham International Law Journal, Vol. 28, Issue 1, Article 3

Korah, V. in Fatur, A., 2004. Annotated version of the Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation. European intellectual property review, 2004(26):9, pp. 421 – 429

Članki v slovenskih pravnih revijah (Pravna praksa, Podjetje in delo, Odvetnik) in zbornikih:

Fatur, A. in Zadnikar, D., 2019. Pravni položaj upnikov pri uveljavljanju odškodninske odgovornosti organov vodenja ali nadzora. V: Pravni letopis Inštituta za primerjalno pravo pri Pravni fakulteti v Ljubljani, XVII. dnevi civilnega in gospodarskega prava

Fatur, A. in Belina Djalil, H., 2015. Ustreznost varstva pravic kršiteljev v postopkih o prekrških s področja varstva konkurenceThe relevance of protection of the rights of offenders in minor offences proceedings in the field of competition law. Odvetnik, XVII, št. 5, pp. 12 – 20, 83

Fatur, A. in Peček, K., 2014. Zaščita tujih neposrednih investicij v Republiki Sloveniji: bilateralni investicijski sporazumi v kontekstu prava EU. Podjetje in delo, letnik 40, št. 6/7

Fatur, A., 2003. Dumping in protidumpingški postopki v EU. Pravna Praksa, št. 4, pp. 29-40

Fatur, A., 1999. Nadzor nad združevanjem podjetij v Evropski skupnosti. Pravna Praksa, št. 18, pp. 5 – 9

Prispevki v okviru izobraževanj in delovnih skupin pri Združenju nadzornikov Slovenije:

Fatur, A., 2018. Sestava, mandat, plačilo RK. V: Izobraževanje za člane revizijskih komisij (RK): osnovni program, Ljubljana: Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije

Fatur, A. et al., 2017, Priporočila za revizijske komisije. Ljubljana: Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije

Fatur, A. et al., 2016, Priporočila za revizijske komisije. Ljubljana: Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije

Fatur, A., 2015. Sestava, mandat, plačilo RK. V: Program izobraževanja za člane revizijskih komisij (RK) in nadzornega sveta (NS), Ljubljana: Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije


slovenščina, hrvaščina, angleščina

Odvetniška družba Fatur Menard, o.p., d.o.o.,

Dunajska cesta 22, SI-1000 Ljubljana


T: +386 (0) 8 200 73 48

F: +386 (0) 8 200 73 49

E: info@fatur-menard.com

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